Ok, these months were very tiring for me, this build took a lot longer than I expected.

Adjustments and more adjustments, android port, anyway. I wanted to apologize for the delay, I believe this was the first step and the most difficult one so far... that I have taken in these years of the project.

I can tell you that the Build is good, not 100% the way. I want but you will have a good idea of how the new systems will work, I still intend to do extensive planning for other systems, but that's a topic for another post anyway... thanks for the support! 





MAC (Not guaranteed that the game can be opened on your Mac.) 


Now I will be focusing on build 0.12.5 ;)


��FER�� said…
Nice thanks for your hard work. I am very excited about your work. :)
Anonymous said…
Can you post a changelog?
��FER�� said…
About the new update I can say damn the new systems are very good I really loved them I hope you continue with this work I will always be supporting you :)
Anonymous said…
please in the 0.12.5 erase the scene were our brother fucks the stepmother ,for me is like killing the character
Anonymous said…
Yeah, the new intro is very bad in terms of Leah and Harry, very anti-climatic with this whole strip club and Paul sex with Leah. Rest is very promising
Yrandomius said…
Please, don't let it contain NTR (Netorare) or something like that, and let this be the only time the brother appears, enough with the COMPLETELY unnecessary scene between Paul and Leah, it would be wasting such a good game if they keep adding NTR, At the end of the day, the game was about the protagonist stealing women and/or corrupting them... but hey, leaving that aside, the rest is quite promising.

ATTE: UnJovareMás
��FER�� said…
loooool. Well, if this had a crazy introduction, I must admit I wasn't expecting it, but let's not forget that this game is based on another one (Bad Intention) and I suppose Inocless wanted to make a reference to the game (Bad Intention), which isn't bad, but I feel like there was other ways. Because I feel that the game is not the same as Bad Intention and I like some ideas the same but I don't care much about that I care what you do to make it different like the new protagonist (Harry), the new characters, the sect in the island etc. At the end of the day it is your project and you decide what to do with it. I will always be supporting you on this path. :)
PS: Support with the rest of No NTR: v
not /bones said…
Many successes in your work, if possible, I will try to support you... I loved the changes... in the future I have some ideas about allowing the mother to produce milk or with a suit for milking her, it would be the best..... Thank you very much for your work. I am very excited about the future of the project and I loved everything you have done.
Boy Gold said…
many successes....I love your work....if you could put more moments with the mother....or the mother interacting with animals...or breastfeeding...I love your work I will try to help you if you fulfill that dream for me, you are the best
Inocless said…
Just a warning, I will not allow any kind of disrespectful comments towards me or any other user on this blog, if you have disagreements or don't like something in the game, please argue with respect.

Regarding Leah's "controversial" scene, I don't understand why there was so much surprise since in the first version of the game there was already a dialogue, suggesting that something between Paul and Leah had happened, yes this was already planned from the beginning.

About NTR:

Don't worry about NTR, this content will be optional in the future.

How to access the Changelog:

You can access the changelog from the title screen.

About my page:

the only page I have available is Subscribestar. .

Reply FER:

Yes, this version was a tribute to Bad Intentions, but the focus from now on will be on the island and the cult. :D

Anyway, thanks for the comments, and I'm sorry for the delay in responding.
SergDragon said…
Where is the game.exe on the 12 version? I'll download it and I can use it on Joiplay on my android if it doesn't have one what do I use
SergDragon said…
Never mind, I fixed the problem. I did a Google search on the issue and And I had to redownload it for it to have the .exe in the file and to make sure it had it. they said that the issue is not enough storage, which I usually do have a problem filling up my phone with all kinds of stuff and that's my fault.
Anonymous said…
So you are really adding ntr? damn, I'm out off this ship, good luck anyways
Anonymous said…
i think that adding ntr is ruin the game, i dont think that is the content that people want, even though is avoidable
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
Adding ntr???? what a way to ruin the game, i am out of here.
FRF said…
tas weon el NTR EL LO MEJOR BEST
��FER�� said…
Calm down, NTR is optional, just skip and that's it. As long as the mom doesn't have that, everything is fine for my lol :).
About the cult, I'm curious about what you are going to implement and don't worry about responding late, just trying to answer our questions is enough. in my opinion :D Have a good day
Anonymous said…
Looking forward to the future NTR scenes! Please don't let the haters get to you and make what you want to make, as long as NTR is optional the complaints have no basis.
Anonymous said…
I know people have been intense with this but did you really are adding ntr in the future or you were just referring to that paul scene ? please tell me that there is not gonna be ntr in the game 0_o
Anonymous said…
ntr scene was so hot
Anonymous said…
"Don't worry about NTR, this content will be optional in the future."
it does not matter if it is optional, you should of been clear from the start of the game, many hate ntr and if it was known at the start many would not have bothered, what a way to kill a game.
Inocless said…
Reply SergDragon (I'm sorry I'm late, I didn't see your reply.)

Amanda? you mean Amara right? Haha yes I have plans to implement more furniture in the house in the future. ;)

Clarifying a few things about NTR content.

Leah's scene with Paul was a tribute to Bad Intentions, I don't intend to create any scene with anything similar, with the exception of Beverly, play Bad Intentions to see what I'm talking about.

Harry will continue to be the only protagonist, but the NTR I'm referring to is similar to the Urban Demons Classic, specifically the Sarah and Lisa ending.

In other words, the MC (Harry) will humiliate some stupid husbands and bullies.

Anyway, I hope you understood. :D
��FER�� said…
oh yes I didn't remember Beverly but I hope you don't have a problem with that but I guess not because I think it would be different with that character since the stepmother is loved by the community that's why the anger in that scene but success for your work and its future updates and about Urban Demos, if NTR is going to do the same, it's not bad. CLARIFICATION OF ONE FOR THE OTHERS WHO DON'T KNOW ABOUT THE GAME URBAN DEMONS DOES NOT SHOW SCENES BUT THEY MENTION THAT THEY CHEATED ON THEIR HUSBANDS NO MORE NOR LESS so don't get upset and try the game to get an idea ;) Have a good day
Milk said…
the best king you deserve thousands of applause I love working with the family
Ana said…
I love your game.... here a game that reminds me of yours is prince of suburbia, one of the best steam games for adults related to milk. You can get some ideas.
Andy said…
Solamente es una introducción?... o tiene todos los eventos como las versiones anteriores ?.
Anonymous said…
2 questions. I played version 0.11, do I have to start a new save?

And I don't care if there is netorare as long as it's optional. But is it optional where you just don't see it or is it optional where you can stop it, they're very different IMO.
Inocless said…
Thank you Fer for giving more details about my previous comment.

Thanks for the compliments, I have lots of surprises for the next versions.

Thanks for the suggestion Ana, I'll definitely add it to my list. :)

Solo introducción, todos los eventos de versiones anteriores volverán en el futuro.

you will need to start a new save, you will see this scene so at the moment you cannot disable it.
��FER�� said…
Many surprises for the next version, I will be waiting for it. :)
juan said…

And when would the next update come out?
Jhon said…
I am fascinated by the best game... the family relationship is the best... how when would another update come out, my king?
foxsoul said…
great game. a lot of to be had. visuals getting better and better. only problem i have is with the hint system. first time players are good. but starting from update. the hints dont show automaticly. i had to search everywhere to find the triggers. if something could be done. or something like start a new day adds the new hints from; update. and maybe over time to add new fetishes. maybe characters that are futa or femboy. you could make them optional. either avoidable or choose gender befoire further interactions wsitch certain characters.
H. Coel said…
Love the rework system, i hope for the next content should be added.
jione007 said…
Man I got so scared about reading comments about ntr. People should know the difference between netori and ntr.

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