Last Update (Build 0.12.5)

Hello guys, I wanted to apologize for my absence recently, the last week was very complicated in terms of coding, my new programmer and I had a lot of headaches to resolve.

One of the game's scripts wasn't working, basically this script helps us code more easily. We have to use a backup version of the project and redo the game events, I suppose what caused the bug was that my version of Rpg Maker was out of date compared to my programmer's version, so a conflict happened.

I ended up updating my program to the current version and I believe we won't have any more problems with the script. The good part about this is that I will be able to add more reworked maps in this version (credits: Outlaw77) that will be better explored in the next build of the game.

I ask for a little patience and wait for the launch, thank you for your support. enjoy the fan art of Amara drawn and colored by Neefrostart. :) 


Son Goku said…
Thanks a lot for giving the game update one thing please add boobs suck Blindness please add this it will be a lot of
jl said…
Hello inocless, a long time without commenting but always attentive to how everything progresses as always, and I am happy to know that things are improving and moving forward, and don't worry, I have already waited until now I can continue waiting, I am a gamer so wait for launching incredible games is one of my skills XD, and in order not to make this greeting and comment so long I must say that as always, I am excited for everything new that is coming in the remastering, and seeing everything new will be something that I am going to enjoy calmly and patiently, and I still play version 0.11 and 0.12 so as not to forget what is there, and also so that the excitement for the new things to come remains, Also, the last things I want to say are, first, I'm sure they already told you about it before but the misunderstanding with version 0.12 in the introduction caused some fans to leave, I don't know if they came back but it saddens me to see that people with the same tastes for the games like this go away, I don't know what things will be added in the future, but my advice is that as I have seen in other games it is better to say that there are scenes that may not be to people's tastes but that will not affect the protagonist , nor the other characters in the game, I must be honest when I saw that new intro I had my doubts but reading again I deduced that that was only in the intro, but not the others, and when I read that the fans who see the notifications here They said they were leaving, I was very worried, but I don't want to make this a sad greeting, so moving on to the other thing I wanted to say, is that I tried to subscribe on the main page, but I don't have any of those bank accounts that the page asks me for, In addition, Venezuela does not appear when I search for countries to enter my bank card information XC, and there was no option to use PayPal, so I couldn't subscribe, is there no other way to subscribe? And finally I wanted to say that I understand what happened to you with rpgmaker, since I also had the program (I downloaded it from the internet, not from the official website obviously XD), since I wanted to create an rpg game to play with my friends, but my PC died before I could start creating it XD. Well that's all for now, I'm looking forward to the new update, I hope you and everyone who works on this incredible game are well.

PS: I think that this image of Amara can be taken as a reference to make a new scene of her in the house that is rented, whether it is her leaving the bathroom or returning from the kitchen and entering the room where the mc will be waiting, or Same as before but after spending a night with her in the rented house and bringing something to drink after a night of work, I must say that this drawing is inspiring. The artist did a good job.
Shanao said…
Hello inoclees, greetings and for all your effort that you are doing I love your games I will be waiting for the launch, now looking at the game the image represents Amanda / I thought that the milk would be from her mother since it is related to a family bond (in The latest version 0.12.5 was trying to express milk from the mother, it got a little confusing now :c) / I think it would be good to express milk / I would love to, but I have always seen milk from a white cow, and not any other color. It seems a little strange to me to express milk to Amanda :c. Besides, if they make a cow lingerie, the mother would like it better and not Amanda. I'll wait for the game omg if those things can be improved :, v that would be the best. So that it makes more sense, thank you very much
Anonymous said…
you just used a fanart as a compensation ? why not just show a sneek peak of a scene?
Anonymous said…
i just wanna know if you already implemented the flashing scene of amara? , pretty pleaseeee i just wanna know that
Edy said…
Greetings inoclees, I would love to play it, but I would like to see milk from a relative, in a cow suit or something related, it would be beautiful from his mother or stepmother. And if it is possible to (amarax) see it lighter, I am very dark, it would be good to put a lighter color on it, it seems strange to see it like that...contando las horas para jugarlo...
counting the hours to play it.
Anna said…

Long live the milk, long live the cows!!! I love this game and more action with your family please
��FER�� said…
Take your time we will always support you :)
Inocless said…
Reply Milk Lovers.

Yes, I intend to add milk scenes, long live the cows!

Reply JL

Hi JL, I’m glad you’re back! Currently I am considering an alternative platform for those who cannot use Subscribestar.
I hope you can create a game soon, I wish you good luck and I send you positive energy. :)

I'll take note of your suggestion, don't worry.

Thanks FER.
jl said…
Hello inocless, thank you for responding, I am happy to know that in the future with some luck I will be able to be a subscriber of someone I follow, since I have been able to on Paetreon, but it would be great to finally be a subscriber, I am also happy to know that there will be an event with milk, and I'm glad to know that I'm not the only fan who thinks the same, and finally, thank you for taking my suggestions into account, and thank you for the emotional support. Well, as always, I wish you the best, lots of health, for you and everyone who works on this great game, which I, a fan of Venezuela, will follow until it ends and much beyond. A big greeting and good luck.

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